Here's How To Prepare For Your Photoshoot...

Typically photoshoots are scheduled about 1-2 hours before sunset. This gives us the most gorgeous lighting to give your pictures that special glow. Other considerations include scheduling around naptimes and mealtimes for children and checking the forecast to pick a day with sunshine.
For families I recommend contacting me for a consultation so we can get the look that you want. For children make sure to bring snacks and drinks and their favorite toy or blanket for comfort if it is needed. I also recommend hair spray or water in a spray bottle and a comb or brush with bobby pins for any hair-styling concerns that may arise. For models, I recommend that you get your makeup and hair professionally done if that is the look you are going for. Make sure that you also dress appropriately for the weather and bring additional coats, gloves, hats for any times that we are not shooting. Seniors and models are allowed changes of clothing. Please come prepared with those. For newborn photoshoots we work around the baby and their sleeping and eating schedule. Typical newborn shoots last around 2-3 hours.
Please be advised that if it is raining or snowing heavily, I will cancel the photoshoot. The moisture isn't compatible with my equipment unfortunately. Light raindrops and snow, however, is usually fine. Make sure that during warmer days you bring water and shoes for mild hiking to our location. You can always change when we reach our destination.
The location is up to you, but I have plenty of suggestions. Unless agreed upon beforehand with the photographer, locations must be within the Spokane area. Mild hiking and walking are typical for finding that perfect place for pictures. You may also get dirty or wet so come prepared. I sometimes shoot across a stream or sitting down in a field so a change of shoes may be needed. If we have agreed on a national park make sure you bring money for parking or have a current parking pass visible in your vehicle.